Wednesday 22 September 2021

Final post for Term 3

 End of Term 3

Well, this term has certainly flown by! The students have been very busy learning and participating in a variety of activities.

Stem Learning Journey

It was fantastic to see so many parents attend our Stem Learning Journey. The students were very proud to share the design process, the finished product and the evaluation of their cars this term. It was great to see the reflection process and the students assessing what worked well and what they would change for next time.

Flowerpot Competition

This week we are being judged on our flowerpot displays. We have a budget of $20 to spend and Dawson's Garden Centre have sponsored the competition, awarding prizes to the best flowerpot display.

Maths and Science Day

Last Thursday, Wattle Grove Primary School, celebrated Maths and Science with a whole day devoted to Maths and Science. We had many fun activities and the students enjoyed the change in routine. The students created Place Value Monsters and built the tallest tower they could using newspaper.

It is looking to be another busy Term with dancing lessons, swimming, Kindy/Pre-primary Sports Day, Reports and many more events!

This will be our last blog post for 2021. As of next term the blog will be moving onto Connect. Each parent should have received their login details. Please see your class teacher if you are unable to access Connect.

We would like to wish all our families a happy and safe holiday. Please continue to read books, spend time as a family and talk, talk and talk some more. We will see you back at school on Monday 11th October 2021.