Friday 14 May 2021

Week 5


Welcome back for another fantastic term. We are working hard by building on our learning from Term 1.

 We hope you all had a lovely Mother’s Day and were able to spend time with family members.

Thank you to our wonderful P & C for holding the Mother’s Day stall. Hopefully all the Mothers enjoyed their special gifts.


 Our news topics are

Week 5

17th May – 21st May

Favourite sport

Students can bring in an item relating to their favourite sport. How is the sport played? Where do you play the sport? What is the best thing about the sport?

Week 6

24th May – 28th May

Favourite book

Bring in your favourite book? What is the main idea in the book/what is the story about? Who are the characters in the book? Why do you like the book?

Week 7

31st May – 4th June

WA places

Bring in a picture of a place in WA you have visited. Where is the place? Can you point it out on a map? What did you see there?

In Week 6 we will be assessing their news telling to see how much the students have improved in their oral language skills.


We are focusing on double consonants, ll, ff, ss, zz. Children learnt that when we read a double consonant i.e. 'ss' we just make the one sound. I.e. hiss h-i-ss. Then we will be moving onto reading initial blends, such as sl – slip, slop.   We continue to revise all golden and red words. Our focus sight words are blue words.


Our focus in numeracy is addition and subtraction number stories up to the value of 10. An example of this is, if I had 1 blue pencil and 3 red pencils, how many pencils do I have altogether? Children can then represent this number story by drawing and writing the numbers.


We are continuing to look at geography and our local community, the features of a map and why we belong to different communities, for example school, sport groups etc.


We are finishing looking at the weather and seasons. We are beginning to look at Biological Science, which is all about living things. We are going to be creating pets and designing habitats for a pet we have researched. Could you please bring in some empty containers/boxes so we can construct a pet home in week 6.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Nair